Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pair of Pheasants appear at Finds Table

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Nest of Stones Neolithic prepared for disassembly and reassembly for archiving

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Finds processing ongoing

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Trip to Liverpool World Museum & St Georges Hall

Runs until 25th February 2024 A hybrid digital and tour of the courtroom and viewing of the main hall

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Magnetometry survey of latest phase in Mottram site under the low cloud over Neolithic Tameside

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Neolithic Workshop

Recently digging on our Neolithic site we came across these two stones embedded in the natural interglacial sand. Both had evidence of having been used as small anvils. One would imagine that the smaller, granite stone would have been used … Continue reading

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The New Season Beckons

With spring comes the prospect of unearthing new treasures. Well, old treasures hopefully. And by treasures, we don’t mean hoards of gold coin. A post hole, a change in the colour of the earth, a piece of flint or a … Continue reading

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A Visit To Warrington Museum

In early April a small but intrepid group of TAS members ventured as far as Warrington to enjoy a guided tour of the museum there. A very knowledgeable member of staff took us through the many different rooms to see … Continue reading

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Another Nice Find

Marlene, a TAS member, recently came up with another kitchen utensil thatprobably broke its handle some 5000 years ago. A keen digger, Marlene discovered the stone whilst digging on a TAS site near Mottram. The stone is local fine sandstone … Continue reading

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Moorland Excavation

This view from local moorland, overlooking Manchester, shows TAS volunteers deturfing in preparation for a fresh dig on an old site where we are looking to build on previous knowledge, supplemented by the results of carbon dating. A magnetic anomaly … Continue reading

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