Following the success of two years of archaeological assessment of the park by TAS we were approached by Brian Grimsditch, Senior Archaeologist for the Centre for Applied Archaeology, Salford for the project to be expanded.
The dig will start on the 10th March 2014 and culminate on saturday the 29th with a public day of tours to the site.The event will include local schools and up to 20 volunteer diggers a day. TAS will also be probivding assistence during the two weeks with thier previous excavation experience on site.
An opportunity to unearth the former residence of the Cheetham family, Eastwood house. Built circa 1830. Check out our archives July 2013 for some photos from the last festival of arcaheology event.
To book on as a volunteer digger: Contact details available via
TAS will be providing a small poster display opposite the Stable block for the two weeks of the dig for the public.
During the event a daily update will be available through this web site.