Volunteers enjoy the sunshine and the walls of Eastwood House

The first day was helped by glorious weather . The rear of the house was the starting point for Trench One. A cobbled walk way with an external wall and drain suggested this could be the entrance to the south wing. Additional walls also started showing up. A second trench was located over some geophysical anomalies which may relate to a garden feature. This has not yet shown anything to a depth of 30cm.

All hands on deck in Trecnh One (rear of the Eastwood house)

All hands on deck in Trench One (rear of the Eastwood house)


Chris puts his hands together after overseer Kerry checks his trowelling in Trench two.


How many servants walked over the path since 1830? Note drains in cobbles and outside walling to left. This path leads to the Stable block.


A double wall, probably load bearing being cleaned.


Steve producing that straight edge much admired on a quality site!

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